The most fun you can have in a parking lot.

Low Risk Thrills That Won’t Cost You a Fortune…
Join us for the most affordable motorsport competition! Unlike other forms of racing that rely on high speeds, autocross emphasizes precision steering and braking, simply complete the course as quickly as possible without hitting any cones! Our events are open to all cars and all levels of drivers, from everyday street vehicles to high-performance sports cars. Events are held on closed courses with no other vehicles running simultaneously and the best part, no modifications are necessary for you to compete! It’s an easy way to improve your driving skills, without the high cost or risk. We hold several autocross events each year, including a an exclusive driving school. Autocross, autocross schools, and the Car Control Clinic are open to all BMW CCA members over the age of 16 with a valid driver’s license (note, due to liability reasons we are unable to allow drivers with a learner’s permit). The cost to participate is $55 per driver per event.
2025 Autocross Season
We have a full schedule of Autocross events for the 2025 Season including a Car Control Clinic, a Test & Tune event, and our annual Women’s Autocross!
Autocross Series
By participating in an event, you are eligible to earn a trophy depending on your placement in your class. In addition, the points that you score in each event count toward the season championship. You will get both runs in the morning as well as the afternoon. The morning runs will allow you to get familiar with the course and to practice performance driving and autocross skills. After lunch, we will have the competition runs for event trophies.
Autocross events are open to all BMW CCA members. Beginners, convertibles and roadsters are welcome! BMW and Porsche SUVs (X5, X3, X6, Cayenne, Macan, etc.) may participate, but must be on street tires. Other trucks, SUVs, and high center of gravity vehicles are not permitted.
Event registration will open four weeks prior to the event or immediately after the preceding event, whichever is later. Registration will close at precisely 6:00 PM the Wednesday prior to the event, or earlier if the event cap of 85 participants is reached. If the event cap is reached, subsequent registrants will be placed on the wait-list. Wait-listed participants will be notified via email no later than Friday afternoon before the event if they are accepted.
Go to register for the event. You must create an account on this site in order to register. Payments will not be processed until the Friday prior to the event. Registrants whose payments are declined or whose BMW CCA memberships cannot be validated will be barred from attending the event.
If you are an associate BMW CCA member, you will need to use your member account number instead of just your member number. Learn how to find your account number on this MotorsportReg help page.
No walk-up registrations are allowed.
Helmets must be Snell 2015 or newer. Snell 2010 and older helmets are no longer allowed. Both full-faced or open-faced Motorcycle (M) or Special Application (SA) helmets are permitted. However, convertible or “flip-up” style motorcycle helmets are not. SFI 31.1 and FIA 8860 certified helmets are also acceptable. The club also has a few loaners available for daily rental for $15/day. If you plan to buy a helmet, we recommend that you read Bell’s helmet sizing guide.
Car Number Guidelines
Car Number and Class Letter Standards
It is required that your car numbers are at least 8 inches high, and of a standard legible font. Class letters need to be at least 4 inches high, of the same font as the car numbers. The club prefers the numbers and letters to be white or black, but not mandatory. What is mandatory is that the color of car must be of opposite contrast to the number/letter color. For example: A yellow car with black numbers is good. A yellow car with white numbers, not good. This rule applies to both magnetic and vinyl (semi-permanent) numbers and letters.
Rule of thumb is that you should be able to make out the car numbers and class letters from at least 75 feet away from the car (about 40 paces). This is about the distance the course workers will be from your vehicle while it is on course.
There are paper class numbers and letters at registration check in, if you do not have numbers or letters. Please tape the numbers and letters in the designated areas of your vehicle during Autocross events.
If you are attending more than one event per year, it is recommended that drivers obtain magnetic numbers and class letters, to help keep the cost of printing down for the club. You can go to any sign shop or graphics shop to get this made up. Typically, It will run about $50 for both sides of numbers and class letters. It is also recommended you purchase a pair of “1”s as well, in case you ever have a co-driver.
Car Number and Class Letter Placement Guidelines
The class numbers should come first before the class letters. Below is a depiction of both the door location and rear quarter window location for number and class letter placements.

Day-of-Event Schedule
The event schedule is the same for all autocross events:
7:00am: Gates open, check-in open
8:00am Registration Closes
8:30am: All-hands MANDATORY drivers meeting
9:00am: First car off, morning heat 1
12:00pm: Break for Lunch
12:45pm: First car off, afternoon heat 1
3:00pm: Awards
**Times are subject to change based on event flow and weather**
Although autocrossing is a safe sport, it is a timed event. Many insurance policies exclude coverage for timed events. We recommend that you check with your insurance carrier to get more information on your individual policy.
- Class your car using the tool on the autocross website.
- Reserve a car number using the tool on the autocross website. Your numbers and class letters must be compliant with the car numbering rules.
- Register for the event on
- Bring water! Even if it is not hot out, you will dehydrate quickly.
- Bring lunch or cash to purchase lunch at select events when a food vendor will be present. Food vendor presence will be noted on the MotorsportReg page.
- When you arrive, check in at the registration desk and get your grid assignment. Check-in is done either at the tent or at the autocross trailer.
- Move your vehicle to your grid spot and install your numbers.
- Remove all loose items from inside your vehicle and trunk. The driver side floor mat needs to be removed (even if attached to carpet). All other floormats can remain in the car.
- Open your hood and trunk to indicate to the tech inspection team that your vehicle is ready to be inspected. If your car passed tech, the inspectors will close the hood and trunk and place a sticker on your windshield. Otherwise, a note will be left on your windshield to follow-up with the Chief of Tech.
- Participants are responsible for their own belongings. If you bring valuables, please have someone watch them while you work or run. RMC BMW CCA is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
- Every registered driver will have a work assignment during the heat in which they are not driving.
- Spectators are welcome but cannot venture onto the course.
- Members are responsible for the spectators that they bring to the event. Any issues with spectators not following the rules will result in action against the hosting member. Members, please inform your guests of the rules that we all must follow at an event.
- No racing, fast driving, or showing off in the paddock or grid. Violators will be asked to leave the event without a refund.
- No speeding on the roads leading to and from the venue. We take this rule very seriously, as violations could result in the club losing the use of the venue. Violators risk being banned from all BMW events.