Becoming an Instructor

Each candidate’s experience level is unique, so in the Rocky Mountain Chapter no specific requirement as to number of driving events is used to open the door; however the candidate must demonstrate certain qualities and skills as listed:

  • Communication, can put self in another’s shoes = sensitivity; also have the ability to talk through a lap, explain car dynamics, reasons for errors, etc.; being able to listen, read body language, etc. This skill is essential as some of the most gifted drivers cannot communicate and are poor instructors.
  • Driving (incl. heel – toe, smoothness, consistency, knowing the line, safety awareness, being a good role model both on/off track, etc.)
  • Commitment to program – putting the student’s needs first; willingness to read instructor materials & attend instructor meetings, etc.
  • Being checked out by experienced instructors especially in regards to driving skill and communicating while driving.

In the Rocky Mountain Chapter candidates are recruited (primarily through instructor recommendations) vs. their volunteering. Once selected, the candidate is expected to attend the BMW CCA ITS (Instructor Training School). This is not a complete list but hopefully gets the point across.

Rocky Mountain Chapter Instructor Training & Documents

Other Documents

DS Classroom Instructional Aid Images

  • Corner & Apex – Subset of the Driving School Manual (Word doc)
Web PagesPoster Board Photos
Driving School Purpose
Basic Turn & ApexBasic Turn & Apex
Look Ahead & High EyesLook Ahead & High Eyes
Tire Contact PatchTire Contact Patch
Friction CircleFriction Circle
Cornering Force vs. Slip AngleCornering Force vs. Slip Angle
Elements of High Performance Driving – graphElements of High Performance Driving – graph
Elements of High Performance Driving – tableElements of High Performance Driving – table
Heel – Toe DownshiftingHeel – Toe Downshifting
 Pueblo Track Map