AX Chiefs and Deputies
These are the volunteers who work to make your Autocross program a success. Thank them when you see them. Or volunteer to join them if you want to contribute to the success of our program!
Jesse Shapiro
Long time autocrosser, first time AX Chair. Love the product. Big Fan of the program… Sure, I’ll stay on the line…
Tamara Haynes
The Queen of Registration spends her remaining time engineering at a company that manufactures X-ray film, gardening, and visiting the National Parks in Utah.
Julie Moody
Volunteering allows me to contribute to the success of the club that I’ve been a member of since 2007.
Fox Chung
Volunteering fuels the desire to share my passion for cars and to help create a community of enthusiasts.
Alain van der Heide
Let’s have fun out there!
And be smart and safe. Yeah, I know, pretty anodyne. Whatever.
Mark Turner
I volunteer with this club to get involved with a group of people interested in driving cars fast while doing it safely.
Steve Moody
Club member since 2004. I love participating in all of the driving events, learning new skills, and sharing what I have learned with others.
Jared Corace
See your life as a giant adventure. Keep pushing the envelope, and remember that every dream starts off small.